Everyone wants impurity-free skin, and as part of removing blackheads is one of the most difficult tasks ever. Today am going to share with you the best and easiest way to get rid of blackheads at dead cheap price.
I tried home remedies, peelers, peel off masks what not but nothing has given me desired results. One day i was doing one DIY using Fevicol and once done my work i was removing the fevicol sticked on my hands and all of sudden i felt why can’t try this to remove the impurities on face and guess what! it swept off all the impurities just like that.
If you could observe the image below, can clearly see how all black and white heads peeled off from the facial skin.

How to apply to get rid of blackheads?
- Wash your face with warm water and pat dry
- Moisturize your face with any of the product of your choice
- Take a minimal amount of Fevicol and apply a very thin layer on Nose, chin, forehead or any of the area on which you want to remove the impurities
- Leave it for good 20 minutes or until it is completely dry
- Now peel off it slowly starting from one side to other side
Note: Don’t forget to moisturize your face before applying Fevicol on your face
Have you tried this? Do share your views in the comment section.